Viewing Analytics for a Panopto Video

This will show you how to view which students have watched a video you have in your Panopto folder, and how much of that particular video they viewed.

  1. Find the video in your Panopto Recordings folder for which you wish to view the stats.  Hover over the video until the 5 option buttons appear.  Click on “Stats”

  1. This will bring up a page that will show you "Views and Downloads by Day" (if a student watches the video 3 times, that will show in the views and downloads, but only show as 1 unique viewer), “Viewer Engagement” (this shows how many people were viewing the video at a certain time of the video) and “Top Viewers” (this shows the students name (blurred for privacy), how many times they watched the video and the amount of the video they actually watched.  That way you can see if they only watched 5% of the video or watched the full 100% of the video.  Disregard Average minutes delivered...  A 50 minute video viewed twice, once for 50 minute and once for 2 minutes, will give them an average of 26 minutes.  Pay attention to the Percent Completed).

  1. It will only show the top 5, but as you can see at the bottom, it will have "view All".  When you click on that it will show everyone that viewed the video with their Percent Completed.